Now that this catastrophe has reached our shores, and the Europeans are modeling how things might look when they worsen in a few weeks, here are a few suggestions to consider in addition to the CDC and state health agencies' recommendations and ...washing your hands a lot.
The 2013 book by master herbalist, Stephen Harrod Buhner, Herbal Antivirals: Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections has specific pages devoted to treating what are called enveloped viruses, included coronavirus. He is also the author of the widely used, Healing Lyme. These books include detailed research references.
Mr. Buhner's active treatment treatment protocol on p.218 lists licorice root and Chinese skullcap as mainstays for viral infections. Licorice root should be used with caution if on certain blood pressure medications. Please consult your provider before use.
However, as prophylaxis before and after I go out and have public contact, I take some elder (though the berry is not as effective as the rest of the plant) (syrup or capsules) as documented by Mr. Buhner for antiviral activity, along with anti-viral lauric acid (from coconuts) One brand of good quality is Monolaurin. After returning home, outer garments come off and get put directly into the washing machine. Vitamin D also has some evidence of antiviral activity. Use with caution or together with K-2 (MK7) if you are prone to kidney or gall stones.
What is so difficult is that none of us knows whether we're asymptomatic carriers or just in the infectious phase before symptoms start. To me, prevention is the best treatment attempt.
For older or more vulnerable patients, I have recommended they keep a nebulizer on hand, along with colloidal silver. At the first sign of illness, or even if they have been exposed, I recommend 5 cc (1 teaspoon) into the nebulizer 3 - 6 times/day or a directed by your health care professional.
A few other precautions I take are to: isolate packages for at least 4 days, use disposable gloves to open mail, mailbox, and trash can. Disposable gloves are useful when coming into contact with other 'public surfaces' like ATMs, counters in stores, door handles, etc. Wearing gloves, although a bit awkward in public, also reminds me not to touch my face so often.
Now for the good news: last night there was a neighborhood committee meeting (outdoors with the 6-foot distance among us, and everyone's hands sprayed from my rubbing alcohol/peroxide mix). We all noticed how many people were outside walking, kids playing on bicycles, neighbors greeting each other. None of us had seen that in the years we have lived here.
We are currently in 'high-tech' mode. Let's hope when the era of safe 'high touch' returns, we will continue to greet our neighbors and friends so warmly.
Disclaimer: this post is meant for education only and is not meant to take the place of personal medical diagnosis or treatment by your medical provider.